Tuesday 18 June 2013

Tidbits of White Labeling in FX

About white labeling:

In the foreign exchange market and especially in the context of foreign exchange trading, white labeling involves purchase of products of one firm by a company and subsequently marketing those products of the firm by the same company. For instance in the Indian context, ITC purchases cigarettes of Dunhill and markets them on their own. But in the foreign exchange market white labeling involves trade of software, platforms and other brokerage services.

The STP broker or Straight through Processing brokers, in this connect, takes orders from clients and forwards the same to the authorities offering liquidity for the same like banks, hedge funds, etc. These brokers actually facilitate such transactions by reducing the time of the same by carrying out the processes in real time and that too without the presence of any other intermediary by having links and tie ups with such liquidity providing authorities.

The inherent benefits:

The benefits provided by the white labeling are manifold. In the first place, such white labeling activities generate huge revenue and profits for both the buyer and seller. The sellers do not have to worry about marketing their products thus saving a lot on the costs. Apart from these, the STP broker also enables in saving a lot of costs that would have been incurred in case of developing a new product. They facilitate the sellers to customize their products like software so as to send the message to customers that they are the pioneers of that particular software or platform.

You can also check the Forex White Label Program, at the provided link.

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