Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Role of introducing brokers in Forex

Any individual or company that is interested in currency trading needs to have contacts with various currency traders to become a Forex Introducing Broker. This business is quite suitable for financial advisors, successful traders, estate agents and banking officers. Additionally, people that hold a good reputation in trading can also gain success in Forex trading. As an introducing broker, you can enjoy various benefits when compared with regular traders. As a broker, you are entitled to receive a fixed amount on commissions on almost all the trades. You are paid by the currency exchange broker based on the volumes of trades that you perform every day. Some of the important functions of Introducing brokers include attracting new clients to an asset management company, conducting specialized lectures and seminars, explaining the structure and functions of the company’s website to the client, advising clients on the use of software and providing them with necessary training and technical support. 

When talking about white labeling, it is defined as a form of affiliate selling in which a merchant decides the techniques through which they want to and can increase their turnover. A white label website usually has full range of ready to sell stocks and hence can offer various advantages to institutions that are considering marketing their own brand. This can be an easiest way to gain rapid access to the dynamic world of foreign exchange, bullions, futures and options. Some of the impeccable advantage of Forex white labeling are, it assist in getting a quick entry to the market place, no additional cost for hardware maintenance, solutions for back office, dealer and middle office solutions at no additional cost and technology support. However, there are certain requirements that have to be fulfilled before signing a white label agreement. This might on an average take about 2-5 working days for necessary approvals.

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